賀德克壓力傳感器,HDA 4800型產(chǎn)品特性
德國HYDAC賀德克壓力傳感器,HDA 4800
壓力傳感器系列HDA 4800配備了非常和魯棒的傳感器單元,在不銹鋼隔膜上具有薄膜DMS。
由于出色的技術數(shù)據(jù)和強大的設計,HDA 4800特別適用于測試設備和診斷技術領域,而且還可用于廣泛的應用領域
輸出信號4 ... 20 mA,
0 ... 10V和0 ... 20 mA(源)可作為標準配置。
賀德克壓力傳感器,HDA 4800型產(chǎn)品特性
1.額定壓力范圍 額定壓力范圍是滿足標準規(guī)定值的壓力范圍。也就是在zui高和zui低溫度之間,傳感器輸出符合規(guī)定工作特性的壓力范圍。在實際應用時傳感器所測壓力在該范圍之內(nèi)。
2.zui大壓力范圍 zui大壓力范圍是指傳感器能長時間承受的zui大壓力,且不引起輸出特性*性改變。特別是半導體壓力傳感器,為提高線性和溫度特性,一般都大幅度減小額定壓力范圍。因此,即使在額定壓力以上連續(xù)使用也不會被損壞。一般zui大壓力是額定壓力zui高值的2-3倍。
3.損壞壓力 損壞壓力是指能夠加工在傳感器上且不使傳感器元件或傳感器外殼損壞的zui大壓力。
4.線性度 線性度是指在工作壓力范圍內(nèi),傳感器輸出與壓力之間直線關系的zui大偏離。
5.壓力遲滯 為在室溫下及工作壓力范圍內(nèi),從zui小工作壓力和zui大工作壓力趨近某一壓力時,傳感器輸出之差。
Available versions: Standard
The pressure transducer series HDA 4800 is equipped with a very precise and robust sensor cell with a thin-film DMS on a stainless steel diaphragm.
Because of the outstanding technical data and the robust design, the HDA 4800 is particularly suited for the area of testing facilities and diagnostics technology and can moreover be utilised in a wide range of applications in
the industrial sector.
Because of the fact that the accuracy of a pressure transducer varies greatly with the temperature of the measurement medium,
it is precisely here that the device offers outstanding properties.
The output signals 4 ... 20 mA,
0 ... 10V and 0 ... 20 mA (source) are available as standard.
Accuracy ≤ ±0.125% FS typ.
賀德克壓力傳感器,HDA 4800型產(chǎn)品特性